Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bimini Top for Sailboat Available from Boat CoversDirect

Need a bimini top for your sailboat? Boat Covers Direct can offer one! Our bimini tops will work on sailboats, as long as you do not have a boom or mast, or if you mount the top so the boom or mast will not interfere.

Determining what size bimini top your sailboat needs is easy! Simply measure the width between the points where you would like to mount the bimini top. With the hardware that is included, you can mount the top on virtually any surface, and it does not have to be flat. Universal deck hinges and rail mount adapters make mounting anywhere on the boat a piece of cake!

Once you have your width measurement, you can determine the height. All you need to do is stand on the inside of your boat and measure straight from the mounting point up to see what height you need. Keep in mind that the point you are measuring your height and width from will be your main mounting point. If you ordered a standard 6’ long top, you would have 3’ of coverage in front of and behind that point. Bimini tops are also available in lengths of 8 or 10’.

Need more assistance measuring your boat for the top? Check out our videos for some tips on measuring.

You can always give us a call at 1-866-626-8377, and we will be more than happy to help you choose the correct size!

Friday, March 15, 2013

HangTyte Support System for Tower Boats

 Looking for an easy-to-use support system for boats with a tower? This new HangTyte system, manufactured by Westland Covers, allows you to prevent pooling on your cover without the use of poles or other difficult systems where you have to climb under the cover. This patented system prompts you to cut a small hole in the center of your cover where you want to elevate it and attach the disc to your cover tightly on both sides. Then wrap the line around the tower and ratchet it tight to remove any slack in places where water can pool. This system can be easily used for mooring and help prolong the life of your cover. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Lake Retba- Why is it Pink?

The picture looks like something out of a little girl’s coloring book--a cotton candy pink lake with white sand dunes lining the shore.  In fact, this isn’t something conjured up in a child’s imagination.  It’s a picture of Lake Retba located in Senegal.  This unusual hue is caused by an organism called Dunaliella salina, a harmless, salt-loving micro-algae.  This bacterium produces a red pigment that uses the sun’s energy to create more energy.  This in turn gives the water its strange color.  Depending on the amount of sunlight, the water actually ranges in color from rusty brown to lilac to reddish pink.  And those sand dunes…they are actually piles of salt.

The locals have been mining Lake Retba for its salt since the 70’s.    The men wade in waist-deep and scrape the bottom of the lake to gather the salt which they collect in their canoes.  The salt is taken back to shore, washed, and allowed to dry in the sun. 

Because of its high salt content, which can be up to 40%, not much else can live in Lake Retba. It serves as one of west Africa’s most bizarre landmarks.

Photos courtesy of Huffington Post, view the original article here:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Protect Yourself from the Sun While on Your Pontoon

Boating weather is fast approaching! Right now we may be praying for more sun, but this summer, we'll be seeking any shade we can find. While you're out on the pontoon this summer, be prepared for intense sun by drinking plenty of water and applying enough sunscreen. Sunglasses, hats and cover ups are also recommended. 

Offer your family additional protection with a pontoon buggy style bimini top from Boat Covers Direct:

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sharks- Endangered Predators

Sharks have existed on Earth for over 420 million years, and there are over 500 known species. Sharks come in all sizes, ranging from the smallest at 6 inches to the largest fish in the world, the whale shark, at 39 feet. Most all sharks survive in the saltwaters of our oceans, but there are a few species which can live in either salt or freshwater. Sharks are considered apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain in their natural environment. For years, they thrived in this role. Now their existence is threatened by another apex predator- man.

Humans have always viewed sharks as a threat. This is partially for good reason- they are predators which are designed to kill. However, their threat has become massively overstated. Movies such as Jaws have conditioned us to believe that entering the waters of the ocean is risking a shark attack. In reality, there are only about 100 shark attacks reported yearly worldwide. You are more likely to die from a lightning strike than a shark attack. Nearly all shark experts agree that the actual danger presented by sharks has been extremely exaggerated.  Before his death, the creator of the movie Jaws even made large efforts to debunk the myth of sharks being monsters. Sadly, films such as Jaws have only aided in extinguishing our shark population.

Humans kill 100 million sharks per year. Yearly deaths from shark attacks average less than 10 a year worldwide. All it takes is a quick look at some statistics to see that sharks aren’t as much a threat to us as we are a threat to sharks. Why do we kill sharks? There are a number of reasons, none of them noble. We use their fins for soup. We use their teeth for jewelry. We use their skin for belts. We sell their cartilage as a (bogus) cure for disease. We use their liver oil for skin care products.

The most common reason to kill a shark is for its fin, as it is the most profitable part of its body. The value of the fin itself can be worth over 100 times the value of the shark’s actual meat. Its estimated that up to 73 million sharks are harvested annually for their fins. When a shark is finned, there is nothing humane about it. Sharks are hooked and literally dragged on to a boat. The “longlines”, or “sport fisherman” as they are called, then take a large knife and slice their fins off. The shark’s role is complete at this point, and he’s thrown right back off the side of the boat, into the ocean. Without its fin the shark cannot swim properly, and it will eventually sink to the bottom of the ocean, where it dies a horrible death.

You may ask why are the fins valued so highly, and what are they used for? The answer is alarming- soup. Shark fin soup is considered a sign of wealth and luxury in China. Its origin dates back to the Ming Dynasty, and its popularity rose in the late 18th and early 19th century, as standards of living began to improve in China. Today shark fin soup can fetch anywhere from $50-$400 US Dollars per bowl. The surprising part of the high demand for this soup? People who have eaten it describe the fins as having almost no taste. It’s served most commonly at high class restaurants, weddings, and banquets. The Chinese see the shark fin soup as symbolizing power, prestige, honor and wealth. Although measures are being taken to curb the demand of sharks’ fins, many of these efforts are in their early processes, and most of the damage has already been done.

20 plus shark species are currently threatened with extinction. Even if you don’t care about sharks, you can’t turn a blind eye to the fact that this is hugely affecting the stability of our ecosystems. Remove the systems apex predator, everything changes. Sharks play a key role in the health of our oceans. When sharks hunt, they go after the older, slower fish population, helping in turn to keep the entire fish population healthy. When you remove a system’s top predator, it may mean the end of the road for countless species. In addition, because sharks have long life expectancies, and reproduce late in life, they are especially vulnerable to endangerment. All effects of the sharks' growing disappearance from our oceans have not yet been measured, but it’s easy to anticipate some of the consequences. Any way you look at it, not only is killing sharks for their fins wrong, it’s also setting us up for some major repercussions in our very near future. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Boating During Storms- Take Precaution

Checking the weather before setting sail on your boat is highly important to be sure there are no thunderstorms in your area. The National Weather Service continuously updates their weather forecast to keep you informed and safe. Not all thunderstorms can be predicted even with the best reports and some smaller storms may not be reported at all. Therefore, it’s highly important for boaters to learn how to read the weather as well. A thunderstorm is already in progress when the clouds become dark and more anvil-shaped. Thunderstorms can be highly unpredictable, especially over coastal waters. Florida has the most deaths and injuries from lightning strikes than any other US state. A large percentage (more than 50%) of these deaths and injuries reported occur to people who are involved in water-related activities like boating, swimming and other recreational activities.

If a storm should arise while you are boating or engaging in any water activities, get off the water immediately.  It is crucial to follow certain safety precautions to protect yourself and others during a thunderstorm if you cannot get to shore.  Be sure to stay low in the boat or in the cabin since lightning is more attracted to objects above a flat surface. Stop any water activities (like water skiing, fishing, etc), disconnect all major electronics and remove or tie down antennas.

You can also protect your boat from being a target for lightning strikes but there’s no such thing as a lightning-proof boat. All-metal ships are rarely damaged and deaths or injuries are uncommon. These ships are frequently struck but the high conductivity of metal causes a rapid dispersion of the electrical charge.  Smaller boats constructed from fiber-glass are more vulnerable to lightning strikes since any object projected above a flat surface acts as a potential lightning rod.

Lightning can seriously injure or even kill you. Be sure to take all precautionary measures to protect yourself and others in any weather condition.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

One Day Only 15% Discount on all US Made SEA RAY Boat Covers and Bimini Tops

Boat Covers Direct is offering 15% off all US Made Sea Ray Boat Covers and Bimini Tops today!

These US Made covers are manufactured in Landrum, SC by Carver Industries. Covers and Bimini Tops are offered in Poly Cotton, PolyGuard, and Sunbrella.

Call us today at 1-866-626-8377 for more information on our products, or to take advantage of this one day only discount!